On Tour with Greg Howe & Dennis Chambers

Stu HammToday I awoke to the sound of church bells ringing through a valley in south central Italy…right about where the ankle would be if you imagine Italy as a large boot, getting ready to head to the Edie Lang festival in a castle high upon a hilltop in Monteroduni .It is a hot August day and the clouds themselves are too lazy to move…in fact, no one seems to be in a hurry on this hot, quiet and still Summer day… and the Italians in general are in no hurry to do ANYTHING except pass the car in front of them apparently, and arrive 1 ½ late to pick me up for sound check.

Stu HammI am pleasantly surprised to hear that my driver is playing some Ludovico Einaudi on the car stereo, which seems to fit the day perfectly.
When I get to the castle I wonder around a bit while Greg Howe finishes his master class and then he and Dennis Chambers and I go through the tunes for the first time since Russia a few months ago…just like riding a bicycle. Playing with these 2 always brings out the best from me and I can’t wait for tomorrow’s gig and the trip to Israel later in the week!

– Stu


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